I am here to help you navigate the overwhelm of information out there friend. I know how you feel and you can start to feel better soon! Can’t wait to chat
I am here to help you navigate the overwhelm of information out there friend. I know how you feel and you can start to feel better soon! Can’t wait to chat
You ARE NOT crazy!
I suffered with IBS my whole life since birth. Suffering with the full gamut of digestive issues, they got worse in college with the amount of stress and junk food I ate. I lived off pepto, lactaid pills, gas x, and was at the doctor all the time for colds and asthma. Learning more about health I got into group fitness in college and after getting married went deep into over exercising and under-eating. I was skinny for sure, but I had lost my period for almost a year and the doctor diagnosed me with PCOS and told me to lose more weight and eat less, oh and exercise more! I was working out 3 hours a day eating 1200 calories, no wonder I had no period! We had a surprise pregnancy after being told I wasn’t ovulating, after taking matters into my own hands after doing research. Yet, after each baby, my digestion was worse and I was diagnosed, with the help of another NTP who I was working with recommended I get labs run, with hypothyroidism. Later during my last pregnancy was diagnosed with Hashimoto’s due to a major stressor with the job I was in.
I am here today to show you that there is HOPE, there is FEELING better and it is so achievable. I am in remission and have stayed here due to the fact that I did the work, choose the nourishing foods, don’t use toxic products, say no to many things, and say yes to things that help me stay healthy. I am so passionate about helping other moms who struggle with digestion, weight loss, energy, and slow thyroids and became an NTP to support women like you! YOU are meant for more than this way you’re living now, you are made to be present, healthy, and full of life again friend!